Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Welcome to my fun adventures.

Welcome to my new blog. This is my very first attempt at a blog. EVER. So bare with me as I learn this. I plan to make lots of fun projects and try new recipes.

Let me start out by introducing myself and letting you get to know me. I am a mother to 3 wonderful girls. A newborn, a toddler and beautiful, almost pre-teen. I have been a stay at home mom for about 2 1/2 years now. I have a wonderful husband who is currently serving in the Air Force. We are currently stationed in wonderful Arizona. I have lived in Arizona for the better part of 10 years.
I love to make things and to try out new ideas. I enjoy making homemade gifts for my friends and family. I am by no means an expert in any field. I learn by doing. If I see something I like, I am not afraid to attempt it.

Since this is my first attempt at blogging my adventures, I am going to let my readers (if I have any) decide on my first project. Follow me on Pinterest and pick a project, come back here and leave a comment on which project I should try. The project with the most votes by Dec 13th will be the next project. I will take pictures of the steps, detailed instructions and of course personal commentary as I go.
Fun ideas to come-

I am excited to start this new adventure and cant wait to see where it goes.