Monday, January 9, 2012

Fun Adventures In.... Duct tape wallets

There are so many wonderful patterns of duct tape out these days. I don't know why but for the last few days I have been on a duct tape kick. Oh the things I wanna do with them. But I have never done anything with duct tape except hold random stuff together or to tape a box. I figured I would start with a simple wallet. And lucky me, I have a friend in need of a new wallet. So she went and picked out her pattern (and got an extra so I am making one for my daughter)
To start you are going to need to gather your supplies. Duct tape of your choice, Scissors, A ruler and a small piece of plastic about 3"x4", I used the plastic of the cover of an old broken DVD case.  I'm using the polka dot tape as the main color and the black as the accent. You can use more than one color for the accent too. For that matter, you can use more than one main color too. 

Start by laying out 4 piece of the main color duct tape. Each piece is about 9" long. It doesn't have to be exact and all the ends don't have to be perfect, your gonna trim them later. Overlap each piece roughly 1/2". 

Next, using the accent color, lay another 9" piece of tape on top of the 4 pieces you just made. Start about 1/2" from the top. Use 4 pieces like before. You will have about 1/2" overlap on the bottom.

Fold the top and bottom edges over the other side. This give a nice trim for later,

Trim one side of the tape using either scissors or a sharp blade. From that side measure 8 1/2" and trim the other side. This is the main skin of your wallet. Set it aside, you will use it later.

To make the pockets, you will do the same thing you did to make the skin of the wallet, but using only two pieces of tape about 5" long. Then trim the sides so that you get a 4" long piece. When finished, this is about 3" tall. 

Now you make the smaller pockets. Take one single piece of tape about 9" long, and stick another 9" long piece of tape on top. You now have a 9" piece of double sided tape now. 

Cut your 9" piece of tape into two smaller pieces. Each is 4" long. 

Now use your accent tape, about 5" long and tear it in half down the middle length wise.It doesn't have to be exactly in the middle. 

Stick the accent piece on the top of your smaller pockets. Fold over the back. It doesn't have to line up perfect either. Trim the edges 

Now line up all three of your pocket pieces, the tall double one in the back and the two smaller pieces evenly spaced on top. Using a piece of accent tape tore in half length wise, fold it over the left side only and trim the edges.

Now take your piece of plastic and use the other half of the piece of accent tape from the step above and trim only the right side of the plastic. Trim the edges. Your pockets are going to be on the right hand side of wallet with your window on the left side of the wallet.If you would like your pockets and window opposite, then trim the right side of the pockets and the left side of the window. Use a credit card or ID to make sure that you have plenty of room in the pockets and window. You will be using up some of the extra room in the next few steps as well.

TopNow back to your skin of the wallet. Fold it in half so that the accent color is in the inside. The bottom of this is going to be the outside of your wallet and the top is going to be where your pockets and window are. At this point, make sure that your plastic window piece, the piece with the pockets and the folded in half skin are all the same height.It will help a lot in the next few steps.

Now unfold your skin, with the accent on the bottom. 

Lay your window piece and your pocket pieces on your skin. Match up the top outside corners. You want the trimmed edges on the inside of the wallet. 

Use about a 9" piece of accent tape (tore in half length wise) and tape across the of the wallet, securing the window and the pocket. I only wanted a small amount of the accent showing on the top. Do as much as you want. Fold the rest across the back and trim the edges.

Fold the wallet in half again, like we had it earlier. Take a 4" piece of tape, tore length wise, and secure the sides. Make sure to leave enough room for a card to fit in the pockets. Trim the edges. The pieces that you fold over edge will show up on the outside of the wallet, so adjust the tape accordingly to get the desired look on the out side. 

Now take another 9" piece, torn in half length wise, and trip the bottom. Also make sure that you get the look on the outside that you want. 

Your wallet is now complete. You can add embellishments to it at this point if you want. I just used the tape to make monogram letters in the corner.  And added a purely decorative stripe to the outside of the red one.