Monday, December 5, 2011

Fun Adventures In.... Baby Leg Warmers

The temperatures are dropping. FAST. It is definitely winter time in southern Arizona. It was a whole 48 degrees this afternoon and expected to drop below freezing tonight. We have hard freeze warning tonight. Temperatures of 28 degrees or colder are forecast to occur" as quoted from Yahoo weather

My baby girl has some of the cutest little onesies that I would love for her to wear, but with the colder weather its harder to get to show off all the adorable things she has. She only has a few pants and some of the onesies would look better without the pants. I wanted to get her some "Baby Legs" but I am too crafty and cheep to do that. :) So with a little research and a few moments of time I made my own.

All it takes is a pair of ladies (or men's if your making a pair for little boys) knee high socks, a needle and some thread. I found tons of socks at the dollar store. I picked up maybe 10 pairs.

So to make these:

 Take your socks and give them a nice tug. Try to stretch them out a bit. 

 Cut across the sock just above the heel line. I'm going to save the bottom part, put a small hem in them and give them to my daughter as no-show socks. She can go through socks like crazy.

 Now turn the sock inside out. Either measure the length to baby's leg and cut, leaving just a bit for a seam allowance. I choose to just fold the sock up until it was at the right length. I choose to do this so that as she gets taller, which she is doing way too quick, I can let the seam out and make them longer. Get more use out of them.

 Now a just put a simple straight stitch across near where you cut. It helps to match the thread to the color that will be showing on the other side. I didn't have the right shade of grey for this pair but it still works.

 Return the sock to the right side out. Give another nice tug and you are done. So simple

 She just looks too cute in them. And  now I can show off her cute clothes. 

So many more to make. I actually want to try this with a pair of the fuzzy ones that are out right now for Christmas.

I have many more project coming up in the next couple weeks because of the upcoming holiday. A few more things for babies and some nice yummy treats as well.

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