Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fun Adventures In.... A Bake Sale- Part two S'mores pops

The bake sale is only a day away. I have a lot to do before then. I am making chocolate covered s'mores pops. 

So off to the store I go with my little helper, to get supplies. She was a little more excited to make them than I was, I think. She wouldn't leave my side the entire time I was making them.

To make the pops you need: 
Graham crackers
Chocolate (either candy bars or chocolate chips will work)
Melting chocolate ( I used chocolate candy coating)
Lollipop or Popsicle sticks

Start by breaking the graham crackers in half. I got lucky and the pack I bought were already the right size. Place the graham crackers on a cookie sheet. You will need two crackers per pop. 

Next, Place the marshmallows and chocolate on the graham crackers. This was easy but took me forever, mainly because my little helper kept stealing the chocolate and marshmallows from the end ones while I was putting them on the others. I would look at her and tell her "Stop stealing the chocolate!" She would look back at me with a big ol' grin "Sowwy Mom" and I would laugh. And we would start the cycle again. 

Now put the cookie sheet of graham crackers in the oven for a few minutes. Just long enough to melt the chocolate and puff the marshmallows. It took me about 4 or 5 minutes at 400 degrees. You can use a microwave or toaster oven too.

Very carefully put the chocolate graham on top of the marshmallow. Squish down just a bit. Then push the stick into the marshmallow part. Put them into the freezer to set. It takes at least 5 minutes. I would recommend transferring them carefully to another cookie sheet or plate or wait several minutes to put them in the freezer. Probably not the best idea to put the hot cookie sheet into the freezer. 

Once they have set, dip them into the melting chocolate. You might need to use a spoon to cover part of it. Let the excess chocolate drip off. I found that the candy coating chocolate worked nice. It gave everything a nice smooth texture, whereas the melted chocolate chips were kind of thick and had an uneven texture. 

Before the chocolate hardens, if you want sprinkles, you can dip the top of it onto a plate of sprinkles. When I did it, I would dip it and quickly turn it upright and the sprinkles kind of slid down the pop for a second. Then just lay the pop on a piece of wax paper to harden. You can also put it on the wax paper and add sprinkles on one side. I tried to let them harden standing up. I thought for some reason it would be better that way. So I poked holes into an empty cereal box and stuck them in it. Big mistake.They kept falling over. And my little helper, who was still trying to steal chocolate chips at this point,would knock the over. Chocolate mess everywhere. So I gave up that idea and put them on the wax paper. Once they hardened they came off nice. 

I put them in the freezer again to set. It didn't take long with the candy coating. The ones I made with the melted chocolate chips took a little bit longer to set. And the candy coated ones don't have to be refrigerated like the chocolate chip ones. 

They still all came out tasting delicious. You can really tell the difference between the candy coating and the chocolate chip coating in this picture.Now I just have to wrap them up with a nice ribbon and deliver them to the school. 

Some other twists on these that would be very tasty,
           Try using peppermint patties, peanut butter cups, or some        other flavored chocolate inside.
           Try using butterscotch chips or peanut butter chips inside.
           Try using white chocolate or dark chocolate for the coating
           Try adding a oil based extract to the coating, whatever flavor you like (water based extract will likely cause the coating to clump.
            Wait until the coating sets and use decorating icing to draw designs or write messages on it.

You can really make these unique for every occasion. They are so simple to make. Enjoy. 

Now I am off to go make some popcorn balls and no-bake cookies. Yummm. 

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